GREEN!! So what is it with the colour Green that we human beings are so fascinated about? What is it that after decades everyone is suddenly pouring their heart out for the colour Green? Was it really missing from our lives and we have realized it now, or was it that we never liked to be Green? Naah... We were always in love with the colour Green; we always loved to have trees in our locality, a garden in the house, and even plants inside our room. But as they say, nothing lasts for longer, so slowly and unfortunately, the plants inside the rooms started getting replaced with the excessive furniture which was nothing but a kind of big burden on us. Then the bike parking or the car garages took the place of the small beautiful garden or lawn in the house. And as our social network was growing rapidly, the trees in the locality were cut down just to increase the density of manmade stuff over the natural ones. The colour Green started vanishing from our lives and we hardly did anything to stop this from happening. We always knew the consequences, but we had never thought that it will happen so soon. We never thought that soon we will have to face a very urgent and serious problem called Global Warming. But whatever it may be, the truth is that now we need take to initiatives and do something to save the colour Green.
So how can we get the colour Green back into our lives. One may say that he/she will plant a tree or save some land to build a park or switch off the unused lights and use water carefully. All of these would be really great, but think how great it would be if we are able to save the colour Green with the day-to-day work we are involved in. In our digitized life, we will have to find a way which would be beneficial even to save the future and which would help in creating such practices that can be followed with the growing technology of the world.
Green IT is a concept which would really help us in building a bright and green future for ourselves and our generations. It refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. The goals of green computing promote the recyclability or biodegradability of products and factory waste and emphasises on reducing the usage of hazardous materials. A number of IT companies are really serious about their Green IT practices and even the International Organization of Standardization has built a set of standards (ISO - 14000) to successfully implement Green IT in firms. You can definitely look for more information on this on the internet or one of the best ways would be to follow the SCIT SSR group, which has taken a huge initiative to bring awareness about Green IT.
On its foundation day , 21 Dec 2010 , SCIT SSR group would be coming up with an event where the members of the SCIT SSR group will visit few corporate firms and give presentations on Green IT and would also understand the various kinds of initiatives which the firms have taken to implement Green IT. The preparations are on a high and the stage has been set, the only thing required is the maximum participation from you people to make this campaign a huge success and we request you all to be a part of it.
So guys, bring up that enthusiasm, which was totally unseen, for this campaign of the coming week, LETS GO GREEN. J
Chhavi Raina
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